Got resilience covered in the workplace?

Fantastic! Then you’re surely focusing on these key factors…

(And if you’re not sure but you’re a leader that feels you’re lacking support, have no voice or team connection is minimal … then this is especially for you)

The best thing about resilience is that it’s not a trait that you’re born with. (Stick with me!)

It is one that is developed. It is our ability to cope, to push through and even thrive, under challenging conditions. It is how we adapt and recover.

And we all have the capability to cultivate it.

It truly is one of our most compelling survival skills – in both life AND the workplace.

Charles Darwin wrote – “It is not the strongest of the species that survives… it is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Think of an Ant, the most resilient of creatures – strong in so many ways, yet so small in stature. They can carry 3 times their weight, survive under water, eat ANYTHING, can smell 4-5 times stronger than other insects, and my favourite – the sheer amount of them… they live in colonies and they work together – relying on each other, communicating their survival plan.

“But Sally, that’s an Ant!… how exactly do WE develop and build resilience?”

OK… fair question… first, back to the Ant – Many of their traits are impossible for the human to develop but if we look closer at HOW they survive, what makes them so resilient, it’s this; an Ant exhibits trust, they are self-aware and they communicate.

Trust, Self-awareness and Communication….we can do this exactly the same way as an Ant!

These are skills that we can develop and master, and I believe THEY are the secret to building resilience. I believe it so much, that I’ve developed an entire system around it, focusing on;

TRUST –      In our self, that we CAN push through, that we have all that we need inside of us to achieve, that we have purpose.

–      In our organisations- leadership and systems- that they will support our needs, believe in our ability and provide opportunity.

SELF-AWARENESS –      In our thoughts, actions, beliefs, strengths, how we’re perceived, the affect we have on others.

–      When we are aware in this way, then we know how and where to focus in order to; obtain a better outcome; grow and improve our skillset, build character, learn to be empathetic and also mindful.

COMMUNICATION. –      To share our needs, to bring others into our world for connection and support, to show vulnerability, to contribute, to offer feedback- again, to grow.

Resilience in the workplace can ultimately determine success or failure. It’s not a ‘yeah, it would be nice’ thing, it’s imperative this day and age and it helps you to push through inevitable challenges.

How are you implementing these key factors into your workplace?

Can you pin-point it?

(If not, you really do need to have specificity around this.)

Need specific ideas or an ultimate plan? Email me and then we’ll map out some goals together – sally@team-resilience.com.au


Well, what a year, hey?! 
My theory is that too many people across the world were wishing and wanting for life to slow down… the opportunity to ‘catch up’, find balance and cut through the noise so that they could focus on their own purpose, goals, dreams and desires.
‘Be careful what you wish for’… they say 😉
It’s fair to say that nobody survived the negative effects of the pandemic… and it’s fair to say that for possibly the first time in history, the world was united…
…United in care, empathy and understanding. Minimal judgement, maximum appreciation.
And for what it’s worth… I feel that is invaluable. 
We all worked with what we know. 
If you knew better, you’d do better. You did the very best you could with what you know and what you had available to you.  
Some strived and grew, sought the new opportunities that became present. Some shrunk and worried in the uncertainty… in realisation that they do not have the tools to deal with these new emotions.
My hope is that whichever spectrum you sat under, you take this year, we all take this year, and use as a learning tool to continue growing and leading by example.
Some key leadership learnings for me, (interestingly all inspired by Deepak Chopra), that were highlighted throughout the year, may resonate with the growth that you’d like to experience, so I share them here for you;

1.     Pay Attention to What Really Matters
I often refer to the noise and societal pressures that everyone has to deal with this day and age. These challenges are one of the main reasons I began my business. 

When I was younger these extra pressures were of a minimum- and many non-existent! (showing my age!) 
We had to make the effort to go and seek information, companionship, knowledge…
It’s now at our finger-tips. 
On fast forward… and comes to us without thought or desire… 
…but who was given the tools to know how to process and work with this bombardment of constant extra information and attention? 

It’s obvious that with the rise of stress, anxiety, depression, suicide, that most were not equipped to handle the influx.
To stay aligned to your purpose, and maintain the ability to cut through the noise, the key is to understand what you value most. Make a list of your values, in priority, and keep this list visible. Use this when making choices around where you will give the most focus and attention. Make conscious choices of how you will choose to spend your time and energy. Aim to detach from the rest – you can still care about other areas, but try not let them dictate your time, heart and soul. We get to choose.

2.    Be Intentional with your time
Choose how you will spend your time, based on your values. It can be easy to get swept up in the endless available activities. Before committing next time, check your intention… are you doing it because it feeds your purpose and spirit… or out of obligation?

3.    Meditate/Practise mindfulness
Finding a quiet place to just BE, helps cultivate present-moment awareness. Whatever is happening in that moment is OK. No right or wrong, just noticing the feelings without judgement or trying to change them.
I’ve always enjoyed this holistic approach, and over this year, it has become a daily ritual that I can’t imagine doing without. Staying centred and allowing space to find your inner peace reduces stress, regulates emotion and I believe, creates space for creativity

4.    Find and Give Support
This has been a biggy this year. Everyone survives crisis better with support. Support is different from constant texting, scrolling and online distractions. True support comes in the form of a bond… it can come from anywhere but the key is that it counters the thought to be insular.
Giving support offers a personal feeling of increased self-worth, purpose and value.

5.    Find the Blessings of Imperfection
What a boring world it would be without imperfection…  and that which comes from having it present. The growth through imperfection, (either accepting it or taking action in imperfect implementation), creates a liberating space of acceptance in self
By simply adjusting your expectations, you can find happiness in the most unlikely of places.

6.    Eat well
Pay attention to what you put in your body. We only have one vessel and it likes to be taken care of… rewarding us with energy, extra brain power and longevity when we do.

7.    Stay Active
Your physiology creates your psychology.
If possible, the best thing to do in the morning is get active! Any length of time is better than no length. Any time of day is better than no time.

I trust you’ll find value in these 7 ways to ensure your leadership moves to the next-level next year. Remember, we must first master inner leadership before we can successfully lead others.


“The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities” – Stephen Covey

That can be tricky this time of year. As Christmas approaches, along with a reprieve from COVID confinement, it can be hard to be intentional as to how you will spend your time – meetings, luncheons, EOY gatherings, school activities, planning, finalising… all of it can seem an important way to meet our needs. But you’ve worked hard to get where you’re at and now is not the time to be distracted.

One of the keys to running your business effectively is to know exactly how to prioritise what needs to be done, and when. The alternative is piles of to-do lists, disorganisation, random jobs and tasks, things forgotten and a slower growth of your business.


So why is it that some people ‘have’ time and others never ‘have enough’? Realistically, every one of us has access to the same amount of time.

Perception. Time and the amount of time we have is based on our perception. Sharon Pearson of the Coaching Institute states “If you play at the level where you know you do what is important to you, and makes you feel good, and don’t do anything else, you will be able to assess what you value currently in your life and your business.”

As humans, we have a preference for pleasure… we want this more than the feeling of pain. When a task is perceived as challenging, we relate this to pain… it’s going to be hard, I’ll have to concentrate, how long WILL it take me to do? So we justify with reasons to avoid doing it at all… and we take the more pleasurable option – the task that can be achieved quickly or easily and most definitely, more enjoyably.


The results you are getting in your business right now will be a direct reflection of this simple principle.

If you love starting projects, you will likely have lots in the pipeline, some great brainstorming sessions and probably not a lot of profitable results on an ongoing basis. If you love going straight for the profit, at any cost, you will probably not have many fulfilling relationships around you – culture and motivation will be low level.

You get the idea.

Where we place our efforts, we will see the results. Results are a direct reflection of our efforts.


Is it possible to change what we associate as pleasurable and what we associate as pain?

What if you made a conscious decision to link your efforts to the results that you want?

This can be done in two ways-

  1. Link huge pleasure to what needs to be done
  2. Make a decision to do what needs to be done, even if it causes you pain



Make a list of all the positives that come of the ‘painful’ activity. For example, if you don’t like goal setting, link more pleasure to it by writing the following;

  • It will move me closer to my dreams
  • I will know exactly what action to take
  • I will have satisfaction knowing where I’m headed
  • I will avoid procrastination
  • I will feel more worthy and purposeful as I consistently achieve
  • I will know exactly how to guide my team
  • I will know where to focus trainings
  • I will know where ‘stretches’ are needed

Linking a list of pleasures to the undesired activity certainly makes it more appealing and doable… in fact there is even some excitement built around it and an urgency to accomplish it.



The only difference between ‘successful’ people and those that aren’t are how they push through, the discipline they can maintain to overcome fear and pain and do what needs to be done (instead of only what they like to do!)

It is this kind of decision-making that will set you apart from the rest. It is discipline.


It’s important to find balance in your role, to maintain the ability to ‘choose’ how you will spend your time, to meet your needs and continue growing.

This technique gives you the freedom to do just that – to own your time and feel good about how you’re doing it.

If you need more information on scheduling your tasks, appointments, weeks… and life!… flick me a message on 0490 388 017 and lets chat.

This is your opportunity to make 2021 your best year yet!


A Business Culture of Excellence…. what does that mean?


What does culture mean to you and why is it important?

It sure is a bit of a buzz word these days and could have many a definition to each of us.


To me it’s how the place ‘feels’.

Within an amazing culture, all of your team is aligned (to the inspirational goal of the leader or owner). It’s providing the opportunity for growth, for innovation, to contribute and for each team member to feel worthy in their role.

Importantly, to create an amazing culture, this ‘people focus’ must also be supported by a structure that promotes these benchmarks of excellence in a measurable way.

For example…

When will collaborative meetings take place and how?

How will feedback be given and what will be the benchmark of excellence within that feedback?


When a business holds the collaborative, inclusive and inspirational attributes that bring those aforementioned feelings, it has standards; it has values (that the team are actually familiar with!).


All businesses have standards and attributes and values. Every business has it’s own way to get things done; to relate to each other and to complete the tasks.

The key is, the more these attributes are focused on and cared about, the more positively they’ll be expressed across the business and throughout the culture.

The less they are cared about – and thus the less they are focused on – the more inconsistencies you’ll notice within your business ethos.


It all begins with what you – as the leader or owner – and what you care about.

It starts and ends with you.

What you care about will determine who you decide to attract, select and retain within your business.


A business can only be as great as the people within that business.

A team member who only cares about ‘getting the job done’ will bring a very different vibe to the member who cares about the business values and is really ‘in to’ what you do.

The entire culture is only going to be as great as the people within the business.


I wonder if you can relate… I wonder if you’re reading because you’re searching for the ultimate– to have ‘that business’ that has found the balance between meaning and money… and is able to create BOTH with high success.

And why not I say?!


A huge part of the pathway to achieving that result begins in culture.

It’s thinking about, reflecting on and developing a culture that makes the workday worth having…. If you’re all about the sales and the bottom line, you’ll attract different people than if your focus is on building a raving fan following because of the phenomenal level of service and care your team take.

“It’s as simple as this decision. Times are tough.  Let’s cut costs.

Versus this.  Times are tough.  Let’s improve our care and customer service so our clients stay longer, and thus pay for longer” (Sharon Pearson)


The more care you put into the feeling of culture, the more you can shape the bottom line.


Often in haste, the focus of a business tends to be on the money, on the sales… that surface level stuff that seems to be what matters most.

I invite you to shift focus, to see that when it’s NOT all about the money and the sales, you will attract amazing people – team & clients – that will stick with you – to skyrocket your results and create a culture that turns heads!! A team that cares and feels valued will put their heart and soul into the business.


Focus on improvement and care in these areas to create a BUSINESS OF ENVY:

  • The vision of your business – where is it headed?
  • The purpose of your business – why are you in business?
  • The values of your business – what do you care about and fight for?
  • The goals of your business – what are the goals you’re here to achieve as a business?
  • Your standards and the standards of those in your team
  • Your expectations and the expectation of those in your team
  • Your attitude and your team’s attitude
  • Your emotional aptitude and your team’s emotional aptitude
  • Your beliefs about what is and isn’t possible; and your teams beliefs


If you’re loving this message and want to dive deeper in to exactly how you can create that Cultural Blueprint of Excellence, I’m running a workshop on September 16th9am-11am and I would LOVE to see you there!

Book here- https://culture-that-turns-heads-and-skyrockets-results.eventbrite.com.au


The webinar is part of the Geelong Small Business Festival – an opportunity for Geelong Small Business owners to share and showcase their successful goods and services across the region.  All webinars are at a very low cost to the audience, so be sure to check out the event list https://gsbf.com.au

From Hollow to Heroic Leader – How to make the move from perfect to authentic.

“Today you are You, that’s truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than You”
Dr Seuss


As a leader, it seems now more important than ever to lead by example, to be true to yourself, to lead with authenticity, vulnerability and action.

Leading in such a way brings legitimacy and honesty to your relations with your followers, ensuring an ethical and value-based foundation- a productive and creative workplace. In contrast, leading with uncertainty, perfection, lack of self-awareness, close-mindedness or falseness leads to a feeling of deception and lack of desire to serve, commit, be motivated or inspired.


Even in this time of volatility, we must still show the will to grow, to succeed, to move forward, to lead… particularly if we want the trust, commitment and connection of our team.


The question is what if we don’t feelthat way? What if we don’t feel capable of such leadership? I mean after all, we have an ego, a past, our own demons as well.

The answer is if you genuinely do not feel that you are a transparent, self-aware, fair-minded, moral leader… then it’s time to embrace your role, reset and strive for your best version of leader.


It’s important to continually hit the reset button as you grow into your ultimate leadership role. Holding on to things will hold you back. We all have our challenges and often they are held on to for too long – they become ‘our story’- when holding on to everything, it becomes really heavy. Giving ourselves permission to reset, to know that when you have a challenge, you can sit with it and then let it go… it’s vital and it’s something everyone can do.  We can handle things better in small chunks and this is important to recognise as you move forward towards your goals and you continue to come across challenges. To reset is to make the conscious decision to, it does not have to be learned.


Leadership is a reflection of us, it is who we are, it is our ‘being’.  A true leader embraces their role and allows it to be an extension of who they are at their core – whilst always striving for growth, for the desire to BE better.  Some leaders feel that they need to HAVE more to be better – HAVE more support, more skill, more experience. This mindset can leave leaders perplexed as to why their employees don’t like them or trust them.

By focusing on the HAVE, (something we are yet to obtain) we are always wanting, yearning, seeking, not happy or present with the NOW.. and this can actually stop you from achieving greatness. “When I have enough support… then I’ll bring in that new project”


When we focus on the BEING, who you need to BE, then you begin to think and behave as if.

“Who do I need to BE, to ensure that project runs smoothly and I get maximum support”. You see, you then walk as ifyou are already that person in that role.


As you plan and commit to being the best leader you can, whether it be to reinvent or to enhance your current ability, following the idea to embrace who you need to BE, using the BE DO HAVE GIVE Model will ensure success.


The well-known BE DO HAVE principal refers to the attainment of success.  As mentioned, it is where you first define who you want to BE, and then walk as ifyou are already that person in that role.

When we are clear on who we want to BE then we know what the first thing is that we need to DO in order to get the result that we are after (what we will HAVE).

The addition of the word GIVE is where the real fulfilment comes from… when we HAVE what we desire, we are able to more freely GIVE. When we GIVE, we instantly grow rich.

(Hint: This model also works by beginning with GIVE – What do I need to GIVE in order to have what I would like to HAVE (to achieve), so that I can DO what I would like in order to BE who I would like to BE.)


‘BE’, in this model, refers to who you need to authentically BE in order to make your goal happen. And this ‘beingness’ is something that we can all do RIGHT NOW. We can be anything we choose to be. What do I mean by that? I don’t mean I can go and be a professional swimmer right now. That simply won’t happen! What I’m talking about, is I can be the end result.  When we say we want to BE something, it’s because we want to BE the end result – we want that feeling.We do things, we purchase items, we chase experiences because we want the feelingsthat it gives us… we want to BE that way.


To create your own version of success and determine who the best version of you will BE, we must look outside of what is ‘normal’. We need to look to the attributes that successful people demonstrate.  What is it that they are doing differently, that is driving their success? This is called modeling.  It is a form of learning through imitation. By observing someone else’s behaviour and choosing aspects that you aspire to and applying changes that match to your own behaviour, cognition or emotional state.  Effective modeling comes down to viewing, reflecting and practice.  When deciding on someone to model, consider what qualities you need to embrace and enhance within you to assist you moving forward.


The following two questions will give that starting point of knowing who you want to BE so you can begin doing what you need to DO and/or GIVE!



(Hint: you can model different traits in different people eg one for business management, one for people skills, one for wealth etc)


  1. BASED ON YOUR DECISION, WHAT ARE 3 THINGS YOU CAN STOP DOING RIGHT NOW? (that do not suit/fit in with this new way of ‘BEING’)


Moving forward to achieve your goals, work on telling yourself often “I am ………… (insert model/goal here)” and act ‘as-if’ until you get there. Remember when you truly try on the attributes that are needed to BE, then naturally, you’ll begin to DO something about it, to make it more real, more plausible, more YOU!  Soon enough, you will HAVE what you are after and reallybe able to serve and GIVE back to your team.


If you feel you need more guidance and support developing your leadership skills for self or your team, please get in touch for a chat.

Leadership…how to stay strong in uncertain times

Real strength isn’t about power, it’s not about how much you can lift or even about domination… its something that comes from within – an inner security, an inner strength… inner peace.
… and it doesn’t just appear, we must grow that muscle (just like exercise) to enable it to be there when we need it… when we’re feeling stressed, vulnerable, uncertain.
In the current times, where inner strength to lead with purpose is imperative, try these tips to help grow that muscle –
1. Spend some time by yourself – find a quiet place, remove the noise and just sit.. try not to think, just BE
2. Communicate with those that will empower you – chose who you will interact with and what you will talk about – we definitely have the power for this whilst in isolation!
3. Maintain (or set) routine – this will provide much needed certainty in the current times of such uncertainty
4. Be organised… remove clutter around your work space (or home).. this will help keep your mind clutter free as well.
5. Be decisive. Decide. Commit. Act. Don’t let fear mess with your certainty and judgement.
6. Respect yourself, be calm and aware – if you feel panic or anger, nurture it… then flip it… these emotions eat away at strength. (Tip… if you feel resistance in an action you’re thinking of taking – move towards it! (where possible) – thats where growth comes from)
7. Trust yourself – your mind and body is stronger than what you think.. & strength in one area creates strength in another… particularly when fed with positivity.
Practising and focusing in these areas will calm the mind and reassure your place and purpose right now.
If you have some other tips and tactics that are working for you… please share!!


What could YOU do with a FULL 33 days?? -using EVERY hour in each day?

I’m sure you could think of a gazillion things!!


Withefficiency and focus, surely you could….

Transform your team from negativity to retaining positivity?

Create an entire sales funnel?

Win hearts and minds?

Create a training program?

Develop a motivated and inspired team?

Nut out a CLEAR long AND short term vision and cement the first steps towards it?


And with minimal effort…

Have an amaaazing holiday? (remote!)

Renovate your entire home?



Possibilities are endless of course.  But why 33 days?

Well, that’s the amount of time I would spend on my phone over a 365 day period – according to ‘Mr Screen Time’.


Crazy! That stat blew my mind! It hurts to think of and makes me cringe!


Think about that for a minute. That’s 33 days. 33 FULL days spent on my phone each year.

Morning, noon and night, non-stop.

Mortifying. (and I consider myself one of those ‘non-typical’ phone users… in fact I thought I was great at not letting my phone rule my life… Until I stared it in the face).


So, I feel you should too. No better time than now…

We do not need extra distractions at the moment… we need a reminder of how easilywe’re distracted – of how much time away from being productive, being present… actually moving forward, our phones can steal from us!


Grab out your phone.


Open up ‘settings’ and then ‘Screen Time’.

Write down the number of hours you spend on your phone each day.

Turn that into minutes

Multiply that number by 7 to get total number of minutes per week.

Next multiply that number by 52, this will give minutes per year spent on the phone.

Divide that number by 60 to see total of hours.

Lastly, divide that number by 24 so we can see how that translates into days.


Now look at it.


Take a look at that number.

How do you feel about that number?

A little stab in the heart?


Now more than ever, screen time will be higher… we have the potential to be ridiculously glued to our phones. And with many now working from home – under their own control and devices, your screen time number could likely sky-rocket!


So let’s take back some control here hey?

Is there something else, more efficient perhaps, that you could do with that time?


Yeah? well take action now.

I’ll help you with the first few steps:

  1. Find a place for your phone in your house – away from where you work. Keep it there and put it on silent while you’re working. If you need it near you, disable every app or unnecessary noise so that you will only be distracted by those that need you.
  2. Turn off all notifications, always- on your phone and computer. Choose your own timesthat you will reply to texts, interact on social media or check emails or the news.
  3. Avoid using your phone completely to check emails or do any kind of work on – separate these two as much as you can.


How you survive at home and what you accomplish in the next few months, will not only determine what goals you’ll achieve, it will also influence how you will come out at the other end – & dare I say stronger and wiser with a new level of appreciation for life would be most desirable.

I encourage you to be productive with your work time. When you’re on, you’re on. Remove distraction and choose your focus.

I also encourage you to schedule in down time. To relax, spend time with loved ones, commit to a new hobby, develop a new skill.

When you take the time to have fun, you renew your energy, increase connection and can get back to your projects with greater vigour and enthusiasm to tackle challenges and be more creative and productive.


It’s fair to say that there will be a lot of ‘extra time’ for many people now.


Is there a chance that you could be more productive, more focused and less distracted with your time?

Is there a chance that with increased efficiency and awareness you could create time to enjoy life in a way that you haven’t done in a long time or often dream of doing?

Is it possible that with this time you can create a new outlook and thus different or extra positive results?


I know I need lightness and humour to thrive. I’m going to schedule time each day to deeply play with my kids… bring out my own inner child, roll around and laugh, release some pent up energy perhaps, let down all walls, be 100% myself…. there’s a heap of benefits to that kind of release.


How will you fill the gap?


#fillthegap #staycalm


Over the past few weeks, news of the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus disease, has dominated media channels. It’s in your news feed, it’s in your inbox, and everyone around you is likely talking about it.

But even more newsworthy than the virus itself is what has happened in reaction to it. The stock market has fallen, entire countries are on lockdown, popular events have been cancelled, and millions of children are not in school. In the US, panic over rising case counts have triggered a rush on stores, so that even toilet paper shelves are empty. The going rate for a bottle of hand sanitizer is 10X its retail price.

Many of these behaviors are driven by one emotion: FEAR. Fear is a natural emotion that signals a potential threat to your physical or emotional safety. But fear, unchecked by facts, leads to negative behaviors like discrimination and poor decision-making.

So how can we avoid making decisions based on fear? Or worse, perpetually living in a fearful state?

As Tony says, there are three decisions we’re all making every moment of our lives, and the first is: What am I going to focus on? What we choose to focus on affects our whole life. Whatever we focus on, we feel – whether it’s true or not.

Are you unconsciously letting the media and the cultural landscape of fear and anxiety draw on your focus? Or are you, like Tony’s mentor Jim Rohn taught Tony to do, choosing to “stand guard at the door of your mind”?

Standing guard doesn’t mean living in a bubble or ignoring the reality in which you live – it simply means making conscious decisions about what you are willing to give your time, energy and effort to.

In these times we need to remember to STAND GUARD. If we don’t discipline our fears and control our focus, the world will gladly do it for us.

…Credit to Team Tony Robbins for this message that really needs to reach as many eyes as possible

DEAL WITH IT! – DON’T BURY IT! ……. Why you’re # 1 in your leadership role & how to stay there!

My instant thought was to keep busy… distract myself, suppress the pain… but it only made it worse.

I wasn’t acknowledging any feelings or emotions. I wasn’t expressing my anger, shock, annoyance, sadness.

I had too much to do anyway. Easier to just keep ‘doing’. No point feeling sorry for myself, people were relying on me – my kids, my husband, my clients. I must set the right example, I’m a leader… & all the worry in the world won’t help anything.



Worry does help… in fact worry was needed. The need to worry about me. To take care of myself… so that I could go back to taking care of others.


Self-care. It changes everything.


It’s about you loving you – being happy with who you are, where you’re at and taking active steps to keep that in play.

When we feel good, we shine. Our ability to motivate and inspire, create positivity, resolve conflict and build amazing culture is more authentic and successful when we’re in a happy place.


On the flip side, think about a time when you weren’t in a good place… how did that affect your leadership abilities? Your communication, interaction, motivation… and patience ;-)?  How can you take care of others if you’re not taking care of yourself?


A strong, positive, healthy leader finds it easy to be naturally present, collaborative, team focused, confident, open-minded and motivated.


My sister passed away on 31stOctober 2019. Just a couple of weeks earlier, another sister began treatment for her breast cancer. I wasn’t in a very good place at that time… yet I felt selfish being so down… who am I to think of me & my sad feelings? I don’t have cancer. Life can’t stop, I have to keep moving.


Wrong again.

‘Pushing through’, burying feelings does not make for effective leadership.

I understand that I am talking about grief and I’m lucky that I was in a position to be able to take time off (after finally acknowledging that it was necessary), to say yes to me, to practise self-care.

This self-reflection time got me thinking of how common this is.

Leaders ‘bury’ their emotions, to put others first, to just keep ‘doing’.

It may be due to a significant reason, or a minor one (disapproving or unsupportive superior, arguments not dealt with, lack of sleep, low fitness/health, injury, friends in need or simply struggling to ‘deal with it’). Sometimes a leader is simply unaware or even in denial… just powering through (as we often do!) and they begin to notice feelings of anger, hopelessness, stress or anxiety… and are uncertain of why.

Whatever the reason, there are always common threads.


When a leader is ‘stuck’ in their own emotions, concern, worry, they began to act differently, perhaps even inappropriately… wondering where ‘that’ came from.

They’re certainly not ‘available’ as much and often less engaging.

Whether the reason is large or small, we are all unique human beings who experience life and feelings in our own way. The key as a leader to be self-aware.


“Contrary to popular belief, the number one quality necessary
for a leader of the future is not business skills and strategies.
It’s comprehensive Self-Awareness.” James Ray


Self-Awarenessis a skill that can be developed and over time one that you can get better at! Take the time to consider WHO you are…


Ask yourself these great questions;

What makes me tick?

What am I good at?

Can I identify my strengths?

Can I articulate my weaknesses?

How do others perceive me?

What gets me going?


Get curious about you. Expanding self-awareness will not only raise your own performance, but also your teams. The ultimate goal is to reach self-actualisation – to fully realise your own potential – your desires, impulses, opinions, reactions (we’ll delve deeper into this at a later date).


Simply developing any level of self-awareness will increase your focus and ability to recognise when it’s time for self-care.


And when you’ve acknowledged that it’s time to focus on you, try some (or all) of these practises to help you get through, to ‘deal with it’;


  • Feel whatever you feel– it’s all OK and it doesn’t need to make sense. Find a quiet, comfortable space and feel it all, feel it deeply, let it go. Acknowledge your feelings. NB: We are not our feelings, our moods or even our thoughts – all of them eventually pass. You can use your negative emotion as a positive opportunity to stop and take stock of your life and people around you, of your relationships and your goals.
  • Be kind to yourself– self compassion is an admirable trait and one that should be the norm… but it isn’t. When we’re nice to ourselves, we’re likely to be nicer to others. Allow space for this.
  • Eat well, drink water, get enough sleep– it takes a lot of energy to be a great leader – listening, delegating, empathising, guiding. Keep your energy levels topped up.
  • Meditate – this helps you take control of your mind and stay in the present.
  • Practise mindfulness– Create the headspace you need to be able to access stored information and memories and to be open to new experiences
  • Self-reflect– perhaps there’s learning involved here? Great opportunity to find out. Leadership is a life-long journey and can be highly developed through self-reflection. What could you do differently in the future? What do you need to learn or practise in order to do that?
  • Get some exercise and fresh air!– aah, this should be #1 really. Reset the switch as often as you need (and begin your day by moving!!) Exercise and movement will reboot your brain chemistry and help to keep you sharp.

Make exercise a habit and choose something that works for you!


If you have other Self-Care tips, we’d love to hear about them …  please share – they may just resonate with someone that really needs it right now.

EMBRACE CHANGE in 5 EASY STEPS …. while still remaining in control!

When you look in the mirror in the morning, how bright is the twinkle in your eyes?

Do they shine and sparkle at the thought of what’s happening next?

Or do they lay dull in their sockets because it’s ‘the same old thing’ today? (Even though that thought may initially comfort you!)


Some people get addicted to the certainty of things. Get addicted to having control. Predicting results is surely easier when you’re in your little bubble of comfort.


It’s also easier, to nottry new things … to resist change.

You’ve satiated your world in certainty. The thought of not knowing what’s going to happen, makes you a little queezy. (though you sense it may be necessary to move forward… you’re just unsure how to implement)

What if you could embrace this feeling, bring back spark – to you and those around you?!  Reignite passion. Change your results.


The thing about predictability, is it can suffocate growth.  And when it’s overdone, there’s then a sudden need for some adventure or variety.  This is often subconscious and can be seen around the office as; self sabotage, overwhelm, excessive drinking or creating drama!


Sacrificing progress today for the feeling of certainty…

to then choose sacrificing certainty tomorrow for the feeling of uncertainty (drama, lack of focus/direction, gossip etc) …

simply because you didn’t do what you know you needed to do…

and then you’re going to worry about it?!

Get me off that treadmill!


Here’s some easy steps to follow to get back on the path to success – to enhance that twinkle in your eyes, learn to love what you don’t know, and EMBRACE THE UNCERTAINTY.


  1. HAVE A GO! 

Say Yes and then work out how.

The key is to make up your mind quickly and change it slowly.  When you say YES, it confirms you’re worth it. You will then back yourself to figure out the rest.  This way you’ll consistently discover that you’ve got more to give and you have yet another level within.



Doing this effectively will form a belief within yourself that you can draw on at times of uncertainty – this will carry you through.  By believing in yourself and trusting your senses, you’re more likely to give it a go in the areas that you may not think you know so well.



Could be as simple as speaking to someone you wouldn’t usually, going down a slide at the park (with or without the kids there), go bare foot on a trail walk.



Not to shock others, but to surprise yourself.  This will build your inner trust.



“I have no idea how to do this, yet I’m going to have a good ole crack at it and work out where I suck”. Through striving forward and giving it a go, we discover where we struggle and where the gaps are for us to move forward. “Fantastic, I now know what I have to learn and where to progress”


It’s unreasonable – and disrespectful – to any craft, to believe that you’ll get it 100% right on the first go… or 2nd… or 3rd.  It’s like saying you’ve been on a sailing boat before and now you’re going to Captain it from Melbourne to Sydney – yet you have no idea how to put up a sail, use any navigation equipment, tell where the shipping lanes are, or even raise and lower the anchor.

A business, an organisation, a team, must continue to push the boundaries, be innovative, strive for performance and not conformity – this often requires trying new things…

Now that you know the steps – get in there, have a champion’s mindset and get out of your comfort zone – that’s where the magic happens.

Before I go, let me ask… while you’ve been playing it safe, what have you had to give up?