Music as a Motivator

One of my other great loves in life is Music, I have often made equations with food and music in that they are both such an intrinsic part of our lives and they are two things with such a meaningful and endless depth.
They both bring people together, they both cross cultures, they both keep life good when the quality is good, well for me anyway.
They both have a certain limited amount of ingredients/instruments and techniques, though the possibilities are endless, literally.
Music is a great motivator and is also something that is very unique to each individual.
It changes over time and there are some artists or songs we move away from or come back to depending on how it makes us feel, or what we are dealing with in our lives at that time.
Just like certain behaviour.
Our Unique and Delicious workshop can teach you about your natural behaviour and style and in the process give you an insight into yourself and your team that no other workshop can. It will help motivate, guide and align your team so that they are performing at their best. This not only helps each individual and team to gel but helps the bottom line as well, and that’s good for everyone.
Here is a little article on music as a motivator, it’s short and sweet, just like a short, fast, and loud (sounds a bit like Sal) song.
If you really want to find out what your teams short, fast, and loud behaviour is, send us an email for some more information or call to make a booking.
This article explains just how music can increase your productivity levels –